Vinyl Flooring for Kitchens

Is Vinyl Flooring Good for a Kitchen?

When renovating or building a kitchen, choosing the right flooring is crucial for both aesthetics and functionality. One popular option that has been gaining traction is vinyl flooring, particularly luxury vinyl plank flooring. Here at 50 Grit Flooring in Cincinnati, OH, we understand the importance of having a floor that not only looks great but […]

Open living room with luxury vinyl floors in Cincinnati, OH

Is Luxury Vinyl Good For the Whole House?

When it comes to selecting flooring for your home, luxury vinyl flooring (LVF) has become an increasingly popular option. At 50 Gritt Flooring in Cincinnati, OH, we often get asked whether luxury vinyl is suitable for all rooms in the house. The short answer is yes, but let’s dive into the details to understand why. […]